Neill Sharpe Appointed as Panthers CEO
The South Adelaide Football Club has announced the appointment of Neill Sharpe as Chief Executive Officer. Football Manager at the Panthers since November 2008, Neill replaces Wayne Peters who retired from the role last month.
Neill has previous executive experience running the Riddell District Football League in Victoria. As members and supporters will be aware, Neill, while managing the Club's football department, has identified a number of key Interstate and local recruits who have made a great contribution since joining South Adelaide.
South Adelaide Chairman Andrew Luckhurst-Smith said Neill will combine the CEO role with his existing duties as Football Manager for the remainder of this season.
"Neill Sharpe has demonstrated his football management prowess and his commitment to the Club over many years. The vacancy created by Wayne's retirement provides Neill with the opportunity to step up into a new role.
"The Board is delighted that Neill is willing to do so and looks forward to his stewardship of the Club during what all hope will be a successful era in the SANFL competition and consolidating South Adelaide Football Club as part of the fabric of the Southern community."