Exciting New Development for Lovelock Drive!
South Adelaide is excited to announce a new development to the western side of Lovelock Drive, to be undertaken by Qattro a South Australian owned and operated company.
The development, known as Imagine at Noarlunga, will comprise fully complete and turn-key, three bedroom townhouses which have been designed to capture views to both the beach and Vales. We understand the dwellings will range slightly in size and configuration, and be selling from $329,000 to $359,000 with the current Southport Townhouses Stage having remaining homes available at $345,000.
There will also be an Early Learning Centre and Kindy known as the Lovelock Early Learning and Kinder to be constructed on the corner of Lovelock and Goldsmith Drives, with anticipated opening in late 2017.inde
The project works will also include widening of Lovelock Drive to allow vehicle parking on both sides, re-alignment of the existing bus stop which will also allow for better public transport access for the Club and landscaping of the verges to provide an attractive, tree-lined streetscape.
Importantly, Qattro have worked closely with the Club to ensure we are aware of the project timing to minimise disruption during the football season.
We have been impressed with Qattro's desire to integrate new home purchasers and occupiers into the community and each purchaser of a home will be provided with;
- complimentary South Adelaide Football Club family membership for a full season
- voucher to host their house warming party in our club facilities at Jimmy Deane's, and
- free trial and preferential entry into the Lovelock Early Learning and Kinder
Further information in relation to this project can be directed to Qattro on 8350 5660 or by heading to the Qattro website