Debut Number
From Norwood Football Club

What is your nickname?Weighters, Fossil, Fluff What is your occupation?Electrician Do you have any pre- or post-game superstitions?Not superstitious Go to pre-game meal?Stock standard, Pasta A current fashion trend you are not a fan of?None, be yourself and wear what you feel like Do you have a dream holiday destination?Europe What are you looking forward to most this season?The camaraderie of the group and winning games What is one piece of advice you would offer to a younger footballer?Just be a sponge, you are only as good as the work you put in. Do you have any unusual hobbies or talents?Can sleep pretty much anywhere, anytime Teammate with the best goal celebrationsHaven’t seen many good celebrations as of yet, but I would imagine someone like Shake Wilkinson would have a couple of good ones up the sleeve What is your favourite conditions to play in?Pouring rain Teammate who loves a photo op the mostWill Splann 2025 BnF winner predicationOllie Davis |